Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Hay.

No. 156.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith for your information translation of a note sent by me to the Chinese plenipotentiaries asking that prompt action be taken on my note of July 1 last, asking for the rehabilitation of Chang Yin-huan, also translation of the reply of the Chinese plenipotentiaries received yesterday.

Viceroy Li Hung-chang has repeatedly assured me of late, in conversation, that he could promise me that favorable action would be taken by the Government on our request.

I am, etc.

W. W. Rockhill.
[Inclosure No. 1. Dispatch No. 156.—Translation.]

Mr. Rockhill to the Chinese Plenipotentiaries.

Your Highness and Your Excellency: On the 1st of last July I had the honor to communicate to you the earnest desire of my Government to see rehabilitated the memory of Chang Yin-huan, late minister of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China to the United States, who was put to death last year in Turkestan.

Not having heard from your highness and your excellency on the subject, I have the honor to recall the matter, in which my Government takes great interest, to your attention, and would deem it a great personal favor if His Majesty’s Government could be communicated with by telegraph on the subject.

Hoping that I may promptly be in a position to inform my Government that its wish has been complied with, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your highness and your excellency the expression of my highest consideration.

W. W. Rockhill.
[Inclosure No. 2. Dispatch No. 156.—Translation.]

Prince Ching and Earl Li to Mr. Rockhill.

Prince Ching, minister plenipotentiary, etc., and Li, minister plenipotentiary, grand secretary, etc., send this reply:

We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, on the 14th of this moon (August 27), of your excellency’s dispatch, making urgent inquiry concerning the matter of cleansing from stain the memory of Chang Yin-huan, formerly minister of China to the United States.

As to this matter we have already prepared a memorial stating in detail the circumstances, which was forwarded by fast courier to His Majesty, and we now await His Majesty’s reply, on receipt of which we will again write and inform your excellency. To this end we send this reply.