Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Hay.

No. 150.]

Sir: In further reference to my No. 115 of June 12, last, regarding the erection of expiatory monuments in the foreign cemeteries which were desecrated during the troubles of last summer, I have the honor to inclose herewith for your information copies of certain correspondence between the dean of the diplomatic corps and the Chinese plenipotentiaries, from which it will be seen that this matter has been satisfactorily settled.

I am, sir, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Mr. de Cologan to the Chinese Plenipotentiaries.

Highness, Excellency: Referring to the correspondence which has been exchanged between us concerning the carrying out of articled of the Joint Note, I have the honor to inform you that the cemeteries desecrated are seven in number, all of them situated in the neighborhood of the capital. They are divided as follows as regards their nationality: 1 British, 5 French, and 1 Russian.

The expiatory monuments to be raised in each of these cemeteries having been estimated at the sum of 10,000 taels each, you have to pay the following sums:

To the British legation 10,000
To the French legation 50,000
To the Russian legation 10,000

My colleagues request me to beg you to have this payment made at the earliest date.

I avail myself, etc.,

B. J. de Cologan.
[Page 297]
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

Prince Ching and Li Hung-chang to Mr. de Cologan.

Your Excellency: On the 31st of July we had the honor to receive your excellency’s communication having relations to article 4 of the Joint Note. Your excellency points out that several communications have passed regarding proposed action to be taken in the premises, and now calls attention to the fact that there are seven cemeteries that have been desecrated and where expiatory monuments are to be erected, at an estimated cost of 10,000 taels each. Ten thousand taels should be paid to the British legation, 50,000 taels to the French legation, and 10,000 taels to the Russian legation. You request, on behalf of foreign representatives, that this money be paid without delay.

In reply, we beg to send you three bank notes for the sum due, namely, one for 10,000 taels, to be paid the British legation, one for 50,000 taels, to be paid the French legation, and one for 10,000 taels, to be paid to the Russian legation, in all 70,000 taels, which we ask your excellency to receive and forward to their respective destinations, and to favor us with a reply.

(Inclosures: Three Hongkong and Shanghai bank notes amounting to 70,000 taels.)