Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay.
Washington, February 4, 1901.
Sir: The governor of the Straits Settlements has made inquiry of His Majesty’s Government as to whether persons of Chinese race though British subjects are permitted by the United States authorities to travel in the Philippine Islands.
It was reported to His Majesty’s Government in September, 1899, in connection with a complaint from the Chinese minister at Washington as to the general exclusion of Chinese from the islands, that it had been decided by the United States Government to ask General Otis for further and more definite information as to what steps had been taken in the matter. No information has, however, reached my Government as to the result of this reference to Manila, and the final decision of the United States Government as to whether the Chinese exclusion act, though in force in the United States, was or was not operative in the Philippines, and I am instructed by the Marquis of Lansdowne to inquire whether you are able to furnish me with the decision the United States Government may have arrived at on this subject.
I have, etc.,