Mr. Thomas to Mr. Hay.

No. 169.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 96 of October 23, and my dispatches, No. 165 of November 5, and No. 167 of November 23 last, relating to the Samoan claims arbitration, I have the honor to inform you that my German colleague here has just apprised me that he yesterday received instructions from his Government similar to my own, and that in compliance therewith he has notified the minister for foreign affairs, in a note of this date, of the assent of Germany to the admission of the claims of all foreigners arising out of the military operations in Samoa to arbitration, subject to substantially the same conditions as those contained in your instruction, and set forth in my note to Mr. Lagerheim of November 23, a copy of which was inclosed in my dispatch No. 167.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Thomas, Jr.