Mr. Moore to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

No. 999.]

Excellency: Referring to your pro memoria of April 27 last, stating that the permission previously obtained for the passage of four revenue cutters through Canadian canals would not be withdrawn, provided this Government shall instruct the vessels to proceed direct to a United States port without engaging in any hostile operations, and shall take on only such coal and stores as will enable them to reach such port, I have the honor to inform you that the Department has received a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury stating that orders have been issued to the commanding officers of the revenue cutters Gresham and Calumet, which vessels are en route to the Atlantic coast, to carry out your requirements.

The Secretary of the Treasury adds that when the other two vessels shall receive orders to proceed to the Atlantic coast like instructions will be issued to their commanding officers.

I have, etc.,

J. B. Moore,
Acting Secretary.