The Governor of Pennsylvania to Mr. Sherman.

Sir: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 20th instant, relating to the killing and wounding of certain alleged Austro-Hungarian subjects in Luzerne County, Pa., on September 10, 1897. In accordance with your telegram of the 19th instant, I immediately wired you the date fixed for the trial of Sheriff Martin and his deputies. A copy of the telegram is hereto attached for identification.1

The government of this State has been and is anxious to furnish you with every possible information relating to the Hazleton riots. Every facility will be furnished your representative to fully inform himself with all the facts in the case to be tried in the Wilkesbarre courts.

I have read with much interest the correspondence between youaself and the Austrian minister, and I beg to express my appreciation and gratitude for the defense which you have made of our position relating to the furnishing of information.

I have, etc.

Daniel H. Hastings,
Governor of Pennsylvania.
  1. See ante.