Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Adee.

Dear Mr. Adee: From dispatches received from my Government I find that they are somewhat apprehensive lest one of the results of the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands by the United States may be to interfere with the carrying trade between those islands and the United States, no inconsiderable portion of which is now done in British bottoms. The government of New Zealand are especially interested in the question, the fact that certain British steamers are [Page 383] under contract with them to ply between the colony, Hawaii, and San Francisco.

I understand that there is at present nothing to preclude foreign vessels from trading between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands; and that no legislation is contemplated which would interfere with the trade.

I should be very grateful for any information which you may be at liberty to give me on these points.

I am, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.