Mr. Sherman to Mr. Hay.

No. 352.]

Sir: I inclose for your information a copy of a dispatch from the United States minister at Teheran, Persia, inclosing a petition from American citizens resident in Tabriz and Urumia, requesting some acknowledgment from the State Department of the services of Her Majesty’s consul-general, Mr. Cecil J. Wood, in their behalf.

You are accordingly instructed to express to the foreign office, in suitable terms, the thanks of the Government for Mr. Wood’s timely services.

Respectfully yours,

John Sherman.
[Inclosure in No. 352.]

Mr. Hardy to Mr. Sherman.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a petition from American citizens resident in Tabriz and Urumia requesting some acknowledgment from the State Department of the services of Her Britannic Majesty’s consul-general, Mr. Cecil G. Wood, in their behalf. While matters of grave import are referred to this legation, many questions which can be speedily settled without such reference and the consequent delays of correspondence have been promptly and satisfactorily adjusted by the tact and courtesy of Mr. Wood. This legation has not infrequently expressed its obligation to Mr. Wood, but now, on the occasion of his leaving, some further recognition seems fitting, and I would transmit the accompanying petition with the recommendation that it receive such acknowledgment by the State Department as may seem to it proper.

I have, etc.,

Arthur S. Hardy.
[Page 357]
[Subinclosure in No. 352.]


Whereas Her Britannic Majesty’s consul-general, Mr. Cecil G. Wood, after five years of official residence in Tabriz, Persia, is about to leave on furlough;

And whereas we, American citizens residing in Persia in the cities of Tabriz and Urumia, are under great obligations to Consul-General Mr. Wood for the courtesy and friendship shown by him in affording protection to our lives and property, as well as for his ability and efficiency in carrying to a successful issue all matters concerning which we have requested his friendly interest. Times of riot and danger, vexatious interference by officials, local difficulties, and sudden emergencies requiring immediate action have rendered such protection and aid specially valuable;

Therefore we respectfully request His Excellency Mr. Arthur S. Hardy, United States minister at Teheran, to forward this expression of our appreciation of and obligation for the services rendered us by Consul-General Mr. Wood to the Department of State at Washington, with the suggestion that suitable acknowledgment and recognition of these favors be made by our Government to the Government of Her Britannic Majesty.

John N. Wright
et al.
(Twenty-three additional signatures.)