Mr. Ozmun to Mr.
Consulate of the United States,
Stuttgart, January 11,
Sir: I beg to call the attention of the
Department to the inclosed notice in the Stuttgart Neues Tagblatt of
December 24, 1897, a translation of which I transmit herewith, relating
to the prohibition of the sale and the seizure and confiscation of
American dried fruits on the alleged ground that such fruit contains
metallic zinc in such quantities as to render the same unfit and
unhealthful for human food. I have not interviewed the city chemist, who
is said to have made the test, and I have as yet had no tests made. I
have heard of no deaths or illness occasioned by the eating of such
fruit, and it will be observed that the notice contains no statement
that there has been complaint on that ground, or, in fact, any other
I am, etc.,
Notice regarding the sale of dried fruit
(steam-dried apple slices).
Referring to the public warning regarding the sale of dried fruit
containing zinc-published April 17 last, notice is hereby again
given to those dealing in the above, mentioned article that repeated
examinations of dried-apple slices, especially of American origin,
by the chemical bureau of this city, have established the fact that
samples taken from various retail stores of this city contained,
almost without any exception, an addition of metallic zinc in
quantities of 0.3 gram to the kilogram (2.2046 pounds). Among 41
samples examined there were 12 (or 29 per cent) containing zinc. The
zinc contents appear to come from the fruit slices being dried on
zinc-wire netting. According to the opinion of the first city
physician and other medical authorities, as well as the laws for
articles of nourishment, any such articles
[Page 317]
containing zinc are to be condemned as
detrimental to health. In consequence hereof, all dealers in dried
fruits are hereby warned that proceedings for punishment and
confiscation will be instituted if further investigations of dried
fruits should show contents of zinc.
Wurster, Chief
of Police.
Stuttgart, December 21,