Mr. Powell to Mr. Sherman.
Santo Domingo, February 28, 1898.
Sir: I respectfully inform the Department the result of an interview had with his excellency Gen. U. Heureaux, President of the Republic of Santo Domingo, in reference to the “Ozama Bridge.” The President, while accepting the amended proposition submitted by our Government, thinks there is still a shorter way to a complete and speedy settlement in the appointment of but one person to ascertain the value of bridge, and franchise pertaining thereto.
He waives all right of naming such person or engineer, and requests that such expert be named by our Government, one who will give an impartial decision.
He hopes that in such selection one may be named that will ascertain the value of the said bridge and its franchise, one that is acquainted with the resources of the country. I think that the person selected should not be connected in any way with either service, that he should carefully examine into all matters pertaining to the bridge, ascertain its value, the value of the franchise which has yet twenty-seven years to run, and to submit such a report to our Government and a copy of the same to this Government.
The appointment of one engineer will avoid a difference of opinion which must naturally arise if each of the interested parties selected one, necessitating the appointment of a third in case of a difference of judgment, and save expense.
I desire to state to the Department that our consul, Mr. Grimke, has rendered me valuable aid, and to him should be awarded the credit of bringing this matter so near a speedy settlement, and not to myself. He has been steadfast and diligent in guarding the interests of Mr. McKay, and at the same time has been just in his dealings toward this Government.
I have, etc.,