Mr. Loomis to Mr. Sherman.

No. 125.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that the feeling here on the part of the large Spanish population is very intense, but that while there are threats of violent and hostile demonstrations against this legation there has been no trouble of any sort as yet.

A week ago it was arranged by a number of Spaniards here to come to this legation at night for the purpose of manifesting their dislike for the United States in some unmistakable way. I heard of the proposed attack and informed the Government. The news had already reached it, and the President told the Spanish minister that he proposed to have no outbreak and that he would deal harshly with anyone who showed a disposition to annoy the legation of the United States.

The Spanish minister took the hint and informed the President that he would see that no demonstration took place.

The Government has, of its own accord, stationed policemen at the legation. Two are on duty day and night.

I have, etc.,

Francis B. Loomis.