Mr. Straus to Mr. Hay.
Constantinople, November 16, 1898.
Sir: Yesterday I cabled you as follows:
Have much pleasure to report the Sultan upon my argument removed the obstructions for the future to travel Asia Minor.
Referring to my dispatch No. 11, of October 26, subject, obstacles to foreigners wishing to go to Asia Minor: So far as I am advised, instead of meeting with any hindrances, have been afforded by special orders of the Porte, every facility. I received a letter on the 7th instant from Rev. M. P. Parmelee, a missionary at Trebizond, the seaport on the Black Sea, which states the party of missionaries arrived there and proceeded on their way to Erzerum with every facility. Copy of letter attached.
The day following the departure from here of the persons named, the Porte informed me the Porte had given orders as I had requested and that I need not feel any anxiety about the matter; that the entire matter had, upon my argument, been submitted by the Sultan to the council of ministers.
Yesterday the minister of foreign affairs informed me the council of ministers, at their last session, had taken the matter up and decided that hereafter no irade for the purpose should be required, only a traveling teskere issued on consular application by the Bureau, as was formerly the case before the Armenian troubles.
Of course the subjects of all the powers get the same advantage as we do from this decision, and it will shortly be communicated to each of them * * * * *
I have, etc.,