Mr. Sewall to Mr. Sherman.

No. 131.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose copy just received of resolution adopted by the American League of this city expressing sympathy at the disaster to the Maine, which I am requested to transmit.

I have, etc.,

Harold M. Sewall.
[Inclosure in No. 131.]

Whereas we have learned with profound regret of the disaster to the battle ship Maine in the harbor of Habana on the evening of February 15, 1898, and the terrible fate of 253 of our countrymen at that time: Therefore be it.

Resolved, That the American League of Hawaii, as a body and as 500 individual men, hereby express their deep sympathy for the mother country in the disaster thus occasioned, and unite with her in lamenting the destruction of the crew of the Maine and the vessel itself.

  • Theo. P. Severin, Secretary..
  • T. B. Murry, President.