Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.
Constantinople, January 23, 1896. (Received Feb. 7.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Rev. Mr. Saunders has gone from Aintab to bring away an American missionary lady from Ourfa who is there alone, though thus far well protected with a Turkish guard. I regret his departure (for he is suspected both by Armenian revolutionists and Turks), and telegraphed him that I would send a gentleman from here who would go with vizierial protection. That gentleman was Hon. Truxton Beale, former minister to Persia, who, knowing my anxiety and inability to go myself, promptly proposed to defray his own expenses and bring the lady to Alexandretta.
After obtaining a vizierial permit, and preparing to leave to-day, a telegram came announcing that Mr. Saunders had gone.
The manly conduct of Mr. Beale deserves notice, for he did not know the lady and offered his services only because she is an American woman who needs help.
I have, etc.,