Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.
Constantinople, January 20, 1896. (Received Feb. 3.)
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your information the copy of a letter from Rev. H. O. Dwight, dated the 11th instant, which shows that the Turks at Bitlis continue their effort to hold Rev. George Knapp responsible for massacres there, and which requests me to ask a public retraction, and in default thereof to demand a commission.
Feeling the extreme danger of obtaining a fair inquiry through a commission, it will not be applied for; but the Grand Vizier has been told by me that I knew it was duress and terrorism which had caused the Armenians to lie on Mr. Knapp; that it must cease; that he was sick, and I desired to send him to Persia, but Americans had not learned to run when slandered, and he should stay at Bitlis until the calumnies against him were retracted. I requested the Grand Yizier to rebuke the corrupt officials at Bitlis, and require them to retract charges against Knapp, that he might depart for a time and recover his health. He professed ignorance of the matter. * * *
In this connection I should state that the —— ambassador informed me that his consul in Asia Minor reported that American missionaries were in many places unable to leave their houses for fear of the resentment of the Armenians, caused by the fact that our missionaries had encouraged sedition and had promised more than they could perform.
* * * The safety of our people requires me to assume the falsehood of the charge, and so to denounce it, which I have done at the Porte. The advice given to all missionaries two years ago, to refuse to instruct the children of known conspirators, which at the time provoked against me the resentment of Armenians and also some of our own citizens, was followed at Marsovan, and the Turkish guard which I have so long kept there before massacres is now my chief object lesson to prove the peaceful nature of our missionaries. I have requested from both the French and Russian ambassadors specific statements as to seditious advice from American missionaries, with a view to future inquiry.
I have, etc.,