Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney.
Washington, January 16, 1896.
Mr. Secretary of State: His Excellency Tevfik Pasha has just informed me that the Sublime Porte regrets that it can not comply with Mr. Terrell’s request for permission for the Bancroft to pass through the strait, that vessel having been authorized to remain at the disposal of the United States legation at Constantinople.
Your excellency knows perfectly well the earnest and sincere desire of the Imperial Government to do all in its power to strengthen if possible the ties of friendship which unite the two countries, but in this case a certain fact is involved, to wit, that only the signatory Powers of the treaty of Paris enjoy the right to have vessels of war permanently at Constantinople at the orders of their respective embassies. Now, the United States Government does not appear in the number of the signatories of that treaty. I am, consequently, sure that your excellency will be pleased to take the foregoing into consideration.
Accept, etc.,