Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney.
Washington, January 8, 1896.
Mr. Secretary of State: It was rumored some time ago that real property belonging to the foreign missionaries at Harpoot had been burned down in sight of the Imperial troops.
Now, here is what the Sublime Porte writes to me under date of December 21, 1895:
The governor-general of the vilayet of Mamouret-ul-Aziz, who had been asked for information on the subject, replies that this assertion is destitute of all foundation. In short, during the disturbances caused by the Armenians of Harpoot, the Imperial troops did not fail to do everything in their power for the protection of the foreigners, and it was only due to the efforts made by them that the fire which originated in the houses of certain residents of Harpoot was not communicated to the greater portion of the property of the missionaries. Moreover, a company of soldiers is still ordered to watch over the safety of the said missionaries.
Accept, etc.,