Mr. Willis to Mr. Uhl.

No. 122.]

Sir: The U. S. S. Bennington arrived here from San Francisco June 5, having made the trip in seven days and eleven hours. The admiral left on the Philadelphia the 17th instant.

The first meeting of the legislature, called in special session, was held on the 13th instant. The diplomatic and consular corps and representatives of the United States Navy were present by invitation. The message of the President was devoted chiefly to the proposed land policy of the new Government. A new advisory council has been appointed, the President having the selection of five and the two branches of the legislature five each, making fifteen in all.

The various cabinet, diplomatic, and other officers appointed heretofore by the President have been confirmed, including Hon. William R. Castle, successor to Mr. Thurston, against whom objection was urged in certain quarters, but on what grounds I am not prepared to state.

Among the items of the appropriation bill presented by Mr. Damon, minister of finance, is one, under the head “Permanent settlements,” of $4,000 for Kaiulani for the twelve months commencing April 1, 1895.

Conditions are very peaceful, and a more friendly feeling prevails among all parties.

I have, etc.,

Albert S. Willis.