Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.

No. 667.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith the copy of a telegram which was furnished me by the British embassy and the original of which was sent from Moush by British Vice-Consul Hampson.

The alarming news that the Turkish authorities regard American missionaries as responsible for the disturbances caused me to renew promptly my demand at the Porte and palace for protection, and to give warning that if any American man, woman, or child was hurt, my [Page 1337] Government would hold the Ottoman Government responsible. Reassuring answers that prompt measures would be at once taken were given.

For reasons stated in former dispatches and connected with the investigation by the Powers at Moush, I have feared more for the safety of missionaries at Bitlis than for any others.

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.
[Inclosure in No. 667.—Telegram.]

Mr. Hampson to British Embassy.

Through the acting vali I have at last obtained a letter from the missionaries in Bitlis, dated yesterday. Two previous letters have not reached me, and a letter sent to them by messenger by Hallward was not allowed to be delivered. They say they are still besieged, and beg foreign intervention. Authorities accuse them of causing the disturbance. They confirm in general account of events as given in my telegram of October 27. * * *

They state number of killed in Bitlis alone, excluding villages, is at least 500.

Over 100 Armenians are in prison at Bitlis on this account.