Mr. Terrell to Mr. Olney.
Mardiros Mooradian, bearing naturalization certificate from Lynn, Mass., dated December 21, 1895, and passport five days later, was arrested here on landing. Many letters and documents were found on [Page 1301] him, some with seal of the Revolutionary Society, which Turkish Government regards as compromising. Minister of police has declined to release on demand of consul-general of the United States, claiming him as revolutionist. I have obtained possession of the letters and am having them translated; unless they show him guilty of some overt act, committed in Turkey, of revolution, will demand of the Sublime Porte his prompt release and permit his expulsion. Have secured humane treatment while I investigate. He also bore naturalization certificate of one Simpat Boyayian, at Lynn, dated December 20, 1894. If papers found in his possession show that his offense consists alone in being a member of a society in a foreign country for armed revolution in Turkey, shall I claim jurisdiction according to Article IY, treaty of 1830, for any charge the Turkish Government may prefer for being such member?