Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney.
Washington, August 17, 1895.
Mr. Secretary of State: Confirming my note of the 15th instant, I have the honor to inform your excellency that, according to a telegram which I have just received from the Sublime Porte, the Tarsus incident was nothing more than a quarrel between a cook named Christie, the bearer of American papers, and a certain Zéibek Ali. The latter and his companions were arrested and turned over to the judicial authorities. Neither the cook nor the house where he was employed was attacked in any way. A preliminary investigation of the case is now being conducted in the manner required by law.
The foregoing clearly shows that the incident in question is by no means one of exceptional gravity, and that it is embraced in the category of common-law offenses.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,