Mr. Uhl to Mr. Terrell.
Washington, April 4, 1895.
Sir: I have received your No. 460, of the 13th ultimo, concerning the apprehensions of a massacre of Christians in Turkey, and the presence of a United States ship of war in those waters.
I have laid before the Secretary of the Navy a copy of your dispatch. I have inquired of him whether the Marblehead, now understood to be at Gibraltar, could not be ordered to visit Smyrna, Adana, Alexandretta, and Beirut, and by conference with our consuls and resident citizens ascertain what foundation exists for the alarming apprehensions expressed in that quarter, and if there be ground for anxiety to intimate to the responsible authorities that the Government of the United States will afford full protection to its citizens peaceably dwelling in that part of Turkey under the guarantees of treaties.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.