Mavroyeni Bey to Mr. Olney.


Mr. Secretary of State: In an interview which I had with your excellency’s worthy predecessor on the 4th of April last, the late Mr. Gresham expressed some uneasiness with regard to the American Female College at Scutari, and requested me to write to Constantinople for information on the subject.

The Sublime Porte has just informed me, in reply to my inquiry, that not only has that college never been closed, but that it has been the recipient of an altogether special favor in being exempted from the moukata’a, to which all educational institutions in the Empire are subject.

This exemption, which is without precedent, has been granted by His Imperial Majesty the Sultan as an evidence of his sincere desire that the relations of friendship which so happily exist between the two States may be maintained on a footing of the greatest cordiality.

Be pleased to accept, etc.,
