Mr. Uhl to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, January 22,
No. 319.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s No. 296, of
the 29th ultimo, I inclose herewith copy of a letter from the Rev.
Judson Smith, foreign secretary of the American Board of Commissioners
for Foreign Missions, expressing his gratification at the successful
result of your efforts to secure an irade for the American College for
Girls at Constantinople.
I am, etc.,
Edwin F. Uhl, Acting
[Page 1233]
[Inclosure in No. 319.]
Mr. Smith to Mr.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign
Mass., January 19,
Sir: I have this morning received a cable
message from Miss Patrick, the president of the American College for
Girls at Constantinople, Turkey, stating that Judge Terrell has
informed her that His Majesty the Sultan has graciously issued an
irade for the college in consideration of its great services in
educating his Christian family and subjects. Coming so promptly
after the communication which I sent to you dated December 26,
reporting Miss Patrick’s special request that the matter be brought
to a prompt conclusion, we have every assurance that your invaluable
services have been immediately rendered in effecting this delightful
consummation, and I desire to express to you my own personal
gratification with the result, and to assure you that in this
feeling all my associates heartily join, as well as the ladies who
are more immediately connected with the college at Constantinople.
It is but an added proof, where many have appeared before, of the
readiness with which our Government takes up American interests
abroad, and the efficiency of such representations from our
Government to the powers abroad.
Again assuring you of the exceeding gratification with which this
tidings has been received,
I am, etc.,
Judson Smith,
Foreign Secretary A. B. C. F. M.