Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney.
Washington, December 31, 1895.
Mr. Secretary: Having read the two letters of Messrs. e. Atkins & Co., of Boston, Mass., which were inclosed in your excellency’s notes of the 12th and 28th instant, I have the honor to inform you that on [Page 1219] the same day on which I received the latter note I sent a long telegram to His Excellency the Captain-General of the Island of Cuba, urgently calling his attention to the desire expressed in the aforesaid letters that every possible means should be used to protect the interests of Messrs. E. Atkins & Co., and that an earnest endeavor should be made to prevent the insurgents from accomplishing the iniquitous plans of devastation which constitute their only method of waging war.
I avail myself, etc.,