Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney
St. Petersburg, June 27, 1895. (Received July 12.)
Sir: I am in receipt of Mr. Uhl’s No. 72, of June 4, 1895, transmitting copy of letter from Mr. Cinnamon, of Taylor, Tex., requesting the good offices of the Government to secure permission for his family to leave Russia and join him; and also requesting the like service for his brother-in-law, Berk Modzack, and his family. In this connection I am instructed to use my good offices for Mr. Cinnamon’s family; but informed that our Government can not intervene in behalf of his brother-in-law and his family should the Government of Russia have any objection to their emigration, they being Russian subjects.
In accordance with the foregoing I have addressed a note to Prince Lobanoff, requesting permission for Mr. Cinnamon’s family to join him, and transmitting his request in regard to the others, but not coupling it with any request on the part of our Government, stating the reason as indicated therefor, but stating at the same time that this abstinence was not intended to prejudice the request if the Imperial Government was disposed to let this family join their kinspeople in America.
The result will be reported to you as soon as it can be ascertained.
I have, etc.,