Mr. Neill to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, Peru, August 22, 1891.
(Received September 14.)
No. 293.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit for your
information a copy of a note I have addressed to the Peruvian foreign
office, accompanied with
[Page 1048]
copy and a translation of Minister Elmore’s reply on the next day,
relative to the long-pending claim of the Hydrographic Commission of the
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Neill to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, August 19, 1891.
No. 51.]
Mr. Minister: I would respectfully call
your excellency’s attention to the notes from this legation, No. 2,
of November 5, 1889; No. 27, of October 16, 1890, and No. 41, of
July 16, 1891, in reference to the claim of the Hydrographic
Commission of the Amazon, and kindly ask if your excellency will
have this claim presented to the present Congress for its early
Expressing the hope that some action will be taken in this
long-pending claim, I beg to renew to your excellency the assurance
of my consideration and esteem.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Elmore to Mr.
Department of State,
Lima, August 20,
No. 13.]
Sir: In reply to your esteemed note of
yesterday, No. 51, I am pleased to inform your highness that I have
at once transmitted its contents to the proper department for the
decision that may be required.
I shall in due time have the honor to inform your highness of the
result when obtained.