Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine.
Lima, Peru, November 3, 1890. (Received November 25.)
Sir: Referring to dispatch No. 171 from this legation, sent by Mr. Neill, October 15, 1890, I have the honor to report that I called on the minister of foreign affairs yesterday to ascertain the present status of the claim of the Hydrographic Commission. I was informed that the minister of the treasury had officially reported the claim to Congress as a just debt of the Peruvian Government, with a recommendation that the sum necessary to pay it should be included in the appropriations, but that Congress had adjourned without making the necessary appropriation. It will thus be seen that we have succeeded in getting it well advanced and nothing more can be done until the next session of Congress, which will commence on the 28th of July next.
I have, etc.,