Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Evarts.
Lima, Peru, April 27, 1878. (Received May 18.)
Sir: Referring to your dispatches Nos. 84 and 90, inclosing copies of letters of C. L. Lee, esq., attorney for Mr. Thomas W. Sparrow and N. B. Noland, in relation to claims for their services to the Peruvian Government, I have had previously several conversations with the present minister of foreign affairs, and also with his predecessor, Mr. Garcia y Garcia, in relation to these claims, and of others who served in the same commission.
The claims were acknowledged, but at the formation of the cabinet of the present administration, August, 1870, Mr. Aranivar, the new [Page 1038] minister of the treasury, gave an order to suspend all payments until all accounts were revised.
Mr. Rospigliosi, the present minister of foreign affairs, has listened to my observations on these claims, to whom I presented a memorandum with copies of various documents pertaining to them, and promised to give attention to my request for their settlement.
On the 17th instant I called on the minister, who informed me that he thought in a few days orders would be sent to the United States for their payment. I will permit a reasonable time to pass and will again visit him and inquire what has been the result.
I am, etc.,