Mr. Uhl to Mr. Baker.
Washington, May 6, 1895.
Sir: Your dispatch No. 506, dated at San Jóse, Costa Rica, April 24, 1895, has been received. It communicates copy of a telegram addressed to you on the preceding day by the Nicaraguan secretary of foreign relations in regard to the indemnity claimed by Great Britain for the arrest and expulsion of British subjects from Nicaraguan territory without trial.
Contrary to your supposition, a copy of that telegram was not communicated to me by the Nicaraguan minister here.
The matter of the British demand has been before the Department in conference with the Nicaraguan minister, and in view of reports from the ambassador at London, but on account of your absence from Nicaragua, it has not been found advisable or practicable to communicate with that Government through you.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.