Mr. Gresham to Mr. MacVeagh.
Washington, April 25, 1895.
Sir: I have received your No. 103, of the 5th ultimo, reporting the application of Mr. James Hillhouse Fuertes for a passport.
Mr. Fuertes states that he was born at Ponce, Puerto Rico, August 10, 1863; that his father was a naturalized citizen of the United States and is now residing in this country; that he (the applicant) was brought to the United States when he was about a year old, and has continually resided here since, with the exception of journeys of a few months abroad. Mr. Fuertes says he is unable to present his father’s certificate of naturalization.
Tour dispatch presents the question whether a person born abroad to a father who was at the time and has ever since been a naturalized citizen of the United States should be required, when applying for a United States passport, to produce the certificate of his father’s naturalization, as is required of a person claiming citizenship through naturalization of parents during his minority.
The Department is of opinion that he should not be required to produce the certificate nor to furnish any other evidence than that required of a person born in a foreign country to a native-born citizen of the United States.
I am, etc.,