Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Uhl.

My Dear Mr. Uhl: I have the honor to transmit a copy of a telegram which I have received from the Earl of Aberdeen, Governor-General of Canada, in which his excellency asks that the United States Government should oblige the Canadian Government by granting certain customs facilities in the passage of an assignment of stores, including rifles, through the United States territory.

I trust that the request which I have now the honor to lay before you will meet with the same favorable consideration on the part of the United States Government as similar requests made by me on previous occasions.

I have only to call attention to the somewhat urgent nature of the matter in the hope that, should there be no objection, the required instructions may be telegraphed at the earliest possible moment.

Believe me, yours, truly,

Julian Pauncefote.

Governor-General of Canada to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

A detachment of twenty members of the mounted police leave Regina to-day en route for the Canadian section of Yukon country. To arrive at their destination by the most convenient route at present available, they must embark at Seattle, State of Washington, and transship at St. Michaels, Alaska; their stores, including rifles, being forwarded as freight by the same route.

It would greatly facilitate the passing of such stores through the [Page 579] United States of America if instructions were issued by the Treasury Department to the customs officers at entry and at place of transshipment.

The object of the expedition being the maintenance of order in Canadian mining country adjacent to the United States Territory of Alaska, I hope no difficulties in having requisite instructions telegraphed.

Full particulars by post.
