Mr. Runyon to Mr.
of the United States,
Berlin, December 4,
1895. (Received Dec. 20.)
No. 420]
Sir: Referring to my dispatch, No. 355, of
September 2 last, reporting my action in regard to the indorsement by a
German official on the passport issued by the State Department to Mr.
Jacob Malin Weiler, and held by him, of a statement that the latter had
been expelled from Prussian territory, I have the honor to inclose
herewith a copy of a note, with translation of the same, received by me
to-day from the Imperial foreign office on the subject, from which it
appears that the act complained of was without any authority and is
wholly disapproved, and that steps have been taken to prevent such
action in the future.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Baron Rotenhan
to Mr. Runyon.
Referring to the note of September 2 last (F. O. No. 294), the
undersigned has the honor to inform his excellency the ambassador
extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the United States of America,
Mr. Theodore Runyon, that the expulsion from Prussian territory of
the citizen of the United States of America, Jacob Malin Weiler, has
been brought to the attention of the Royal Prussian minister of the
interior, and by him has been made the subject of careful
investigation. It has been shown that by his attempt to gain
supporters for the Mormon sect amongst the native population Weiler
has carried on an agitation which is not in harmony with the laws of
the country, and that he has been expelled for this reason.
Though the order of expulsion must therefore be maintained, the
procedure of the police authorities of Sorau, however, who have made
a statement on the passport of Weiler, which is herewith returned,
can not be approved.
Authority for Prussian officials to make statements of such a nature
on passports of foreigners who have been expelled does not exist;
the police authorities have acted of their own accord on this
While adding that the Royal Prussian minister of the interior has
taken steps to prevent for the future the making of such unallowable
statements on passports, he avails himself of this occasion to renew
to the ambassador the assurance of his most distinguished