Mr. Olney to Mr. Eustis.

No. 569.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence concerning the status of unsalaried consular officers in Tunis, I inclose for your information a copy of a dispatch (No. 181) of the 9th ultimo, from Mr. Alfred Chapelié, United States vice-consul at Tunis, inclosing a copy of a note received by him from the French resident-general to the effect that the latter had given orders to the customs-house officials to permit the free entry of his personal effects in Tunis according to the old custom, but only for a temporary period and under special conditions which are not applied to those whom he calls salaried consuls.

You will observe that our vice-consul, acting in concert with certain other consular officers at Tunis, declined to accept the proposed arrangement.

You are instructed to bring this subject to the attention of the French foreign office and to say that this Government can not accept the terms laid down by the French resident-general in Tunis for the free entry of the personal effects of our vice-consul there. The practice must be uniform. There can be no discrimination against our consular agent. If the French resident requires the information Mr. Millet asked for in his letter to Mr. Chapelié of October 28 last, he can ask it directly of the Tunisian customs authorities. You will therefore insist on similar treatment for our consular agent to that accorded to other consuls de carrière.

I am, etc.,

Richard Olney
  1. Not printed.