Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Gresham.


Have called attention of minister for foreign affairs to existing American rights in Santo Domingo, and said you expected they would be respected. He said that he had no desire of creating additional trouble; was, on the contrary, disposed to be as conciliatory as possible, but it could not be reasonably expected that because a foreign company controlled all the revenues of Santo Domingo, the French Government would be deprived of the means of obtaining redress for repeated grievances. France has shown too much forbearance. Things had reached a point where some action must be taken without delay. The only thing he can do is to lay aside for a moment all other pending questions, if Santo Domingo will pay an indemnity for the willful murder of Cacavilli—a murder committed under circumstances showing the complicity of the authorities. He intimated a friendly advice from you to these people would bring them to their senses, and proposed to delay action until he heard from you. I declined to engage you in any way, but promised to telegraph fully. I think, however, he will wait, but not long. The minister spoke with evident sincerity. He is always very frank and means what he says. In my opinion, nothing short of payment of indemnity aforesaid will stop France’s action.
