Mr. Eustis to Mr. Olney.


Saw yesterday the minister for foreign affairs. He was not yet well informed in regard to the Waller case and referred me to the official having charge, whose advice, he said, he would follow. I saw that official, who asked me to change certain parts of my note of November 7, renewing application for the Waller papers. The minister, he said, would then reply at once, expressing his regret that he can not comply with the request, but stating his willingness to submit to the President a decree pardoning Waller, provided it is agreed that this pardon will end the matter as explained in my telegram of November 6. I consented to the changes desired in note of November 7, although, in my opinion, it is not open to the objection made, in order to avoid any delay and to secure the speedy release [of] Waller, if you accept conditions upon which it is to be proposed. These changes are made to-day and I am promised a reply in a few days. If it comes in the shape stated, I shall be authorized in due time to effect the compromise. Full report goes to-morrow.
