Mr. Eustis to Mr. Olney.
Paris, October 7, 1895. (Received October 19.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatch, No. 381, of September 27 last, informing you of the arrival of Mrs. Waller and family in Paris, and the steps taken to provide for their wants and passage to the United States, I now inclose the amount of expenses incurred with vouchers. The amount, 5,383.40 francs, is above what I estimated it would be, on account of items for washing, purchase of a trunk, clothing, hotel extras, and ready cash. Mrs. Waller and family left Paris on the 2d for Boulogne, but on account of the great storm raging the Amsterdam could not sail before the 5th, as I cabled to you. The clerk of the embassy accompanied them to Boulogne. Hotel expenses there were defrayed by the Netherlands Steamship Company.
I have, etc.,