Mr. Eustis to Mr. Olney.

No. 323.]

Sir: At my last interview with Mr. Hanotaux, on the 19th instant, he informed me that the day before he had received the proceedings in the Waller case. I requested that he should at once send me a copy of [Page 265] the accusation, evidence, and sentence. He said that he did not think that he had a right to send me a copy of the evidence. I replied that it had been requested, through me, by my Government; that if he would refer to our correspondence and recall our conversations on the subject there could be no doubt that he had promised to furnish the information requested by my Government He replied that he certainly would comply with any promise that he had made.

I received to-day from Mr. Hanotaux a copy of the charges and the sentence. I regret that it was received too late to be transmitted by to-day’s bag.

The transcript contains no copy of any of the evidence upon which the sentence was based. I will at once call Mr. Hanotaux’s attention to this serious omission. During our conversation he made the important declaration that all such concessions as those made to Waller by the Hovas Government the French Government treated as invalid. I replied that the matter had not reached that point when such questions could be discussed, as my Government at present wanted to know the facts, which could only be ascertained by having a copy of the charges, the evidence, and the sentence of Mr. Waller.

I have, etc.,

J. B. Eustis