Mr. Eustis to Mr. Gresham.

No. 300.]

Sir: Referring to my telegram of the 3d instant, informing you that Mr. Bray, stepson of ex-Consul Waller, expelled from Madagascar by the French, had arrived in Paris devoid of means, I have to report that, in compliance with your instructions by cable of May 3, I have paid Mr. Bray’s passage to the United States, and that he sailed yesterday from Boulogne-sur-Mer on the steamer Veendam, of the Netherlands line.

I have reimbursed our vice consul at Marseilles, who paid his fare to Paris and sent his trunk to Boulogne. I also bought an overcoat for [him], the one he had having been stolen from him on board the steamer which brought him to Marseilles. I also settled his hotel bill and paid his fare to Boulogne. As he needed money to purchase sundry articles and defray his expenses to reach Washington after his arrival at New York, I gave him 125 francs.

I inclose herewith an account of my outlays in the matter, amounting to 668.50 francs, and trust the Department will give the necessary instructions for the reimbursement of this.

I have, etc.,

J. B. Eustis