Mr. Merrill to Mr. Blaine
Honolulu, May 1, 1889.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Her Royal Highness Princess Kaiulani, aged about 14 years, daughter of the late Princess Likelike and Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, will leave here on the 10th instant, going direct to England via San Francisco and New York.
The princess will travel in company with Mrs. T. R. Walker, the wife of the British vice-consul at Honolulu, and intends remaining in England, under the charge of Mrs. Walker, about one year, when Mr. Cleghorn, as he informs me, will visit Europe and return with the [Page 271] princess, visiting the principal cities in America, when they hope to be able to avail themselves of an opportunity to pay their respects to the President of the United States.
His Majesty the King contemplates visiting Paris, and intended leaving here at the same time as Princess Kaiulani, but I am informed he has determined to delay his departure until some time next month.
During the absence of His Majesty, Her Royal Highness Princess Liliuokalani, heir apparent to the throne, and sister of the King, will be named as regent.
As to the route through and the time to be spent in the United States, the King has not determined.
I have, etc.,