No. 7.
Mr. Tracy to Mr. Foster.
Navy Department,
Washington, January 28,
1893. (Received January 28.)
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your
information a copy of a dispatch received this date from Capt. G. C.
Wiltse, commanding officer U. S. S. Boston.
I have, etc,
B. F. Tracy,
Secretary of the Navy.
Capt. Wiltse to Mr. Tracy.
Honolulu, January 18, 1893. (Via San Francisco,
January 28.)
The cabinet was voted out on January 12; another was appointed on
January 14, on which date the Queen prorogued the legislature
and attempted to proclaim new constitution. At 2 p.m. on January
16 the citizens met and organized a committee of safety. At 4:30
p.m. landed force in accordance with the request of the United
States minister plenipotentiary.
Tuesday (17th) afternoon the Provisional Government was
established; the Queen dethroned. The revolution was
accomplished without loss of life. Everything is quiet.
Commission appointed so as to negotiate terms of annexation to
the United States Government.