No. 4.
Mr. Thurston to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, January 20, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have received from my Government telegraphic communication stating that the insurrection in Honolulu was broken; that several of the leaders and their remaining followers were fugitives in the mountains; that the British commissioner at Honolulu, Mr. Hawes, has called upon the Government of Hawaii to give him assurances that no capital punishment will be inflicted upon the insurrectionists, there being fifteen Englishmen under arrest, which requested assurance the Government has refused to give.
[Page 1395]I am also informed by Mr. Hatch, who is now in San Francisco, that he will return to Honolulu by the steamer Australia, the sailing of which has been postponed until Monday next.
From my knowledge of names, localities, and conditions, I believe the press dispatches concerning the details of the insurrection to be substantially correct.
The subject of the presence of an American man-of-war at Honolulu has been recently the subject of discussion in the press and elsewhere.
It does not lie within my province to suggest any course of action on the part of the United States concerning such subject. I feel, however, that it is due to your Government and to the large American population and property interests in Hawaii to state that, although the Government of Hawaii is, and will continue in the future as it has been in the past, fully able to maintain itself against the attacks of all domestic enemies, in view of the serious nature of the charges now pending against a large number of both foreigners and natives, and of other complicating conditions, the state of affairs at the islands is critical; as in the event of further insurrection or complication, although the Government will use every endeavor to protect foreign citizens and their property, it is not impossible that sudden contingencies may arise, or isolated acts of violence take place, against which the Government, with its limited police and military force, may temporarily be unable to afford protection.
With renewed assurances of my high consideration, I have the honor to remain, etc.,