Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, January 20, 1894.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of January 12, 1894, sent to W. A. Cooper, U. S. dispatch agent at San Francisco, and by him forwarded, which reached here to-day.
Permit me to express my thanks for your words of approval.
I will, as directed, endeavor to keep the Department fully informed of the course of events and will, until further notice, consider that my [Page 1225] special instructions have been fully complied with, the Hawaiian question being, as you now inform me, submitted to the Congress.
I have further to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 6 of December 23, 1893, in regard to Department cipher, and your dispatch No. 7 of December 30, 1893, inclosing copies of documents in relation to Hawaiian affairs.
I am, etc.,