No. 34.
Mr. Jones to Mr. Blount.

In answer to your communication of May I would say that the names on our great register to date are 5,500 and that we are advised of 190-odd on rolls not yet entered, on the other islands.

Of those which are entered I would estimate that 1,218 are American, being 90-odd per cent of the total number of Americans on the islands, and 20 odd per cent of those on the club rolls; English 251, being 26 per cent of those on the islands, and 4 per cent of club rolls.

One thousand and twenty-two Hawaiians, being 11 per cent of those on islands and 18 per cent of club rolls.

Two thousand two hundred and sixty-one Portuguese, being 73 per cent of Portuguese on islands and 41 per cent of club rolls.

Sixty-nine Norwegians, being 50 per cent of those on islands and 1 per cent of club rolls.

Three hundred and fifty-one Germans, being 53 per cent of those on islands and 6 per cent of club rolls.

Others 328, unclassified.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

J. W. Jones,
Secretary Annexation Club.

Hon. J. H. Blount,
United States Envoy Extraordinary and. Minister Plenipotentiary.