No. 11.
Mr. Blount to Mr. Gresham.
No. 8.]
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, June 1, 1893.
Sir: The population of the Hawaiian
Islands can but be studied by one unfamiliar with the native
tongue from its several census reports. A census is taken every
six years. The last report is for the year 1890. From this it
appears that the whole population numbers 89,990. This number
includes natives, or, to use another designation, Kanakas,
half-castes (persons containing an admixture of other than
native blood in any proportion with it), Hawaiian-born
foreigners of all races or nationalities other than natives,
Americans, British, Germans, French, Portuguese, Norwegians,
Chinese, Polynesians, and other nationalities.
Americans number 1,928, natives and half-castes, 40,612; Chinese,
[Page 540]
15,301; Japanese,
12,360; Portuguese, 8,602; British, 1,344; Germans, 1,034;
French, 70; Norwegians, 227; Polynesians, 588; and other
foreigners 419.
It is well at this point to say that of the 7,495 Hawaiian-born
foreigners 4,117 are Portuguese, 1,701 Chinese and Japanese,
1,617 other white foreigners, and 60 of other nationalities.
There are 58,714 males. Of these 18,364 are pure natives, and
3,085 are half-castes, making together 21,449. Fourteen thousand
five hundred and twenty-two are Chinese. The Japanese number
10,079. The Portuguese contribute 4,770. These four
nationalities furnish 50,820 of the male population.
Males. |
The Americans furnish |
1,298 |
The British |
982 |
The Germans |
729 |
The French |
46 |
The Norwegians |
135 |
These five nationalities combined furnish 3,170 of the total male
The first four nationalities, when compared with the last five in
male population, are nearly sixteenfold the largest in
The Americans are to those of the four aforementioned group of
nationalities as 39 to 1—nearly as 40 to 1.
It is as convenient here as at any other place to give some facts
in relation to the Portuguese. They have been brought here from
time to time from the Madeira and Cape Verde Islands by the
Hawaiian Government as la borers on plantations, just as has
been done in relation to Chinese, Japanese, Polynesians, etc.
They are the most ignorant of all imported laborers and reported
to be very thievish. They are not pure Europeans, but a
commingling of many races, especially the negro. They intermarry
with the natives and belong to the laboring classes. Very few of
them can read and write. Their children are being taught in the
public schools, as all races are. It is wrong to class them as
The character of the people of these islands is and must be
overwhelmingly Asiatic. Let it not be imagined that the Chinese,
Japanese, and Portuguese disappear at the end of their contract
term. From the report of the inspector in chief of Japanese
immigrants on March 31, 1892, it appears that twenty “lots” of
Japanese immigrants have been brought here by the Hawaiian
Government, numbering 21,110. Of these 2,517 have returned to
Japan; 8,592, having worked out their contract term, remain, and
9,626 are still working out their contract term. More than 75
per cent may be said to locate here permanently.
There are 13,067 Chinamen engaged in various occupations, to wit:
8,763 laborers, 1,479 farmers, 133 fishermen, 74 drivers and
teamsters 564 mechanics, 42 planters and ranchers, 776 merchants
and traders, 164 clerks and salesmen, 12 professional men and
teachers, and 1,056 in various other occupations.
The number of merchants and traders in the entire country is
1,238. Of this number 776 are Chinamen and 81 are Americans.
The largest part of the retail trade seems to be conducted by
Of 20,536 laborers on sugar plantations only 2,617 are Chinese.
Of this latter number only 396 are contract laborers.
The Portuguese population in 1884 amounted to 9,377 and in 1890
to 8,602—a loss of 775. These have been leaving in considerable
numbers for the past eighteen months, making their way generally
to the United
[Page 541]
In 1890 the males were classified as to occupation thus:
Laborers, 2,653, farmers, 136, fishermen, 3, mariners, 10,
drivers and teamsters, 63, mechanics, 167, planters and
ranchers, 17, merchants and traders, 56, clerks and salesmen,
13, professional men and teachers, 11, other occupations, 123;
total, 3,266. On the cane plantations there are of male
Portuguese, 277 under contract and 1,651 day laborers.
Of the population in 1892, 20,536 were laborers on sugar-cane
plantations, 16,723 being Portuguese, Japanese, and Chinese. Of
the whole number 10,991 are contract laborers. The remainder are
designated as day laborers. The total number of laborers in the
islands by the census of 1890 was 25,466.
In 1890 there were 23,863 male laborers. Of this number 18,728
were Chinese and Japanese. At this period there were 41,073
persons of all occupations. Of this number 24,432 were Chinese
and Japanese.
Of the total number of persons in the various avocations, of
European and American origin, it appears that 1,106 were
Americans, 819 British, 518 Germans, 45 French, and 200
Norwegians, making a total of 2,688 persons.
The natives furnished 8,871 persons and the half-castes 884.
The Hawaiians, therefore, may be said to have furnished
There are 196 persons designated as planters and ranchers. Of
this number 18 are Americans, 30 are British, and 6 are Germans.
The remainder are principally Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, and
There are 5,181 persons designated as farmers. Of these, 3,392
are natives and half-castes, and 1,500 are Chinese. These two
furnish 4,779, leaving a residue of 402 taken from all other
nationalities. Of these, 26 are Americans.
For a more minute examination of the avocation of the people, I
append a tabular statement from the last census year, 1890.
(Inclosure No. 1.)
It will be interesting, if not pleasing, to examine the number of
the various sexes by nationalities.
The grand total of the population is 89,990. The male population
is 58,714; the females are 31,276.
The natives and half-castes furnish 21,449 males and 19,174
The Chinese furnish 14,522 males and 779 females.
The Japanese furnish 10,079 males and 2,281 females.
The Portuguese furnish 4,770 males and 3,832 females.
The American males are 1,298, females 630.
The British males are 982, females 362.
The German males are 729, females 305.
This disparity of the sexes applies to all nationalities, save
the native race.
The most striking feature is that the Chinese men outnumber the
women by more than 18 to 1.
The Japanese men outnumber their women by nearly 5 to 1. In all
foreign nationalities the males largely exceed the females in
The natives and half-castes furnish nearly two-thirds of the
For a moment let us see how far this disparity of sexes in 1884
compares with that of 1890:
In 1884 there were 51,539 males, 29,039 females, and a total
population of 80,578.
In 1890 the males numbered 58,714, the females 31,276, and the
total number was 89,990.
The males increased from 1884 to 1890, 7,175. The females
increased from 1884 to 1890, 2,237.
[Page 542]
During this period there appears to have been the following gains
and losses by nationalities:
Gains: Half-castes, 1,968; Hawaiian-born foreigners (mostly
Portuguese), 5,455; British, 62; Japanese, 12, 244.
Losses: Natives, 5,578; Americans, 138; Germans, 566; French, 122
Portuguese, 775; Norwegians, 135; Chinese, 2,638; Polynesians,
The net gain is 9,412. Had it not been for the large importation
of Japanese for plantation laborers there would have been a net
loss of 2,832.
There was a net loss of Europeans and Americans combined
numbering 899.
While the population is increasing in numbers the per cent of
females is largely decreasing.
In 1866 the percentage of females was 45.25 per cent; in 1872 it
was 44.37; in 1878 41.19; in 1884 36.04; in 1890 34.75.
This condition has been reached by the importation of contract
labor by the Hawaiian Government for the sugar plantations.
In 1890 there was in the island of Oahu a population of 31,194.
Of this number 1,239 were Americans.
There was in the island of Hawaii a population of 26,754. Of this
number 289 were Americans.
In the islands of Molokai and Lanai there was a population of
2,826. Of this number 23 were Americans.
In the island of Maui there was a population of 17,357. Of this
number 211 were Americans.
In the islands of Kanai and Niihau there was a population of
11,859. Of this number 112 were Americans.
The total population was 89,990. Of this number 1,928 were
It appears that in 1890, the period of the last census, that in a
population of 89,990 persons 51,610 were unable to read and
write. The natives and half-castes, numbering 40,622, had 27,901
able to read and write.
The Chinese, with a population of 15,301 persons, had 13,277
unable to read and write.
The Japanese, with a population of 12,360, had 12,053 persons
unable to read and write.
The Portuguese, with a population of 8,602, had 6,276 unable to
read and write. These are mostly children.
For more minute examination reference is made to the table
inclosed herewith, from the census report of 1890. (Inclosure
No. 2.)
The total number of registered voters at this period was
Of these 9,554 were natives and half-castes; 146 Hawaiian-born
foreigners, 637 Americans, 505 British, 382 Germans, 22.French,
2,091 Portuguese, 78 Norwegians, 42 Polynesians, and other
nationalities 136.
From this it appears that the Hawaiians exceeded all other
nationalities of voters 4,039.
The Portuguese of ah age to vote generally can not read and
write. The natives alone had this restriction. Place this upon
the Portuguese and other nationalities and the natives would
have nine-tenths of the votes.
The minister of finance informs me that the taxes paid by
Americans and Europeans amount to$274,516.74; those by natives,
$71,386.82; half-castes, $26,868.68; Chinese, $87,266.10;
Japanese, $67,326.07; other nationalities, $729.82.
[Page 543]
A very large proportion of the Americans and Europeans paying
these taxes are antiannexationists.
He also informs me that the acreage on which taxes are paid by
various nationalities is: Europeans and Americans, 1,052,492
acres; natives, 257,457 acres; half-castes, 531,545 acres;
Chinese, 12,324 acres Japanese, 200 acres; other nationalities,
The surveyor-general reports the crown lands for 1893 as
containing 915,288 acres. Of these he reports 94,116 acres
available for lease. Of this latter number only 47,000 acres are
reported to be good, arable land. He likewise reports the
Government land as containing 828,370 acres. He reports these,
estimated in 1890, to be worth $2,128,850. The annual income
from them is $67,636. Of this income $19,500 is from wharfage
and $7,800 from rent of land with buildings thereon.
The cane and arable land is estimated at 35,150 acres.
It is important here to recall his statement made to the
Legislature in 1891 in the following language: “Most Government
lands at the present time consist of mere remnants left here and
there and of the worthless and unsaleable portions remaining
after the rest had been sold.” And in the same communication he
declares that between the years 1850 and 1860 nearly all of the
desirable Government land was sold, generally to natives.
In 1890 the census report discloses that only 4,695 persons owned
real estate in these Islands. With a population estimated at
this time at 95,000 the vast number of landless people here is
discouraging to the idea of immigrants from the United States
being able to find encouragement in the matter of obtaining
homes in these Islands.
I shall in a future report endeavor to inform you of the
legislation in relation to the lands—the distribution of them
and such other matters as would be interesting in connection
therewith in the event they should figure in the consideration
of future political relations with the United States.
It may be proper here to say that the landless condition of the
native population grows out of the original distribution thereof
by the laws of the country and does not come from its
On the 30th ultimo the attorney-general and marshal called to see
me. They informed me that the order of the community was
threatened, according to the reports of their detectives, with a
movement on the part of the antiannexation whites to take
possession of the Government and rostore the Queen. After some
considerable presentation of details I was informed that part of
the scheme was to drug me.
It so happened that during the afternoon of the preceding day a
white man called to ask my opinion as to the propriety of a
contemplated meeting on that evening to protest against a
movement believed to be on foot by the Provisional Government to
propose a new form of treaty with the United States. He said
that certain white men were movers in it and he was debating
whether he should advise the natives to attend; that he could
see no reason for it; that they were awaiting the action of the
Government of the United States on the various questions
connected with the formation of the present Government, and
believed that was the attitude for them to occupy. Of course I
declined to express any opinion. He left me saying that he would
see the natives did not attend. There was no meeting.
I said to the attorney-general that I was satisfied from
communications made by the natives that they would not coöperate
in any disorderly action, preferring, as they say, to submit
their cause to the decision of the Government of the United
[Page 544]
A meeting of half-castes, which seemed to be a part of the cause
of alarm to the attorney-general and marshal, I said to them
was, I believed, nothing more than an effort to prevent the
aforesaid meeting.
This they accepted as the probable solution of it, and finally
assented to the idea that there was no ground for a belief that
there would be any disturbance such as was indicated.
On the 31st ultimo President Bole called on me and informed me
that there was a petition signed by fifty persons—British
subjects—requesting the British minister to prevent the sailing
of the English war vessel Hyacinth, which
has orders to leave here to-morrow. This seemed to occasion him
some uneasiness. He finally said that the petition was being
carried around by a man who had been in the military service of
the Provisional Government, and had left it on account of
inability to get an office which he desired.
I informed him that two nights ago the British minister had
expressed to me his gratification that the vessel was going to
leave; that its presence here simply furnished the opportunity
for some persons to avow some unfriendly intention of his
I further said that I was assured by the British minister on his
own motion, in a desire to manifest his friendly disposition,
that in no event would the British troops be used to advance the
interests of any political movement here. He seemed to accept
this as a relief from any apprehension.
The Provisional Government officials are excited by many
groundless rumors, and communicate them very freely to me. I
have not indicated any line of conduct which I should pursue in
the event of a conflict other than that I have communicated to
A great deal of testimony in relation to the causes of the
revolution and the circumstances attending it has been
The physical inability of the stenographer up to the present time
to transcribe the whole of the mass of notes which has
accumulated has prevented me from fully considering them and
presenting my opinions thereon.
I hope to be able to furnish you with much of interest as soon as
this difficulty has been overcome.
I think the condition of the public mind here is just as formerly
The universal feeling towards me so far as I can gather is one of
kindness and respect. This is due in largest measure to my
abstention from expressing my views on political questions.
I am, etc.,
James H. Blount,
Special Commissioner of the United
P. S.—Since closing the foregoing communication the inclosure
(marked No. 3) has been handed to me by Mr. Samuel Parker,
the genuineness of which I do not question.
[Page 545]
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Table 6 Classification of each nationality and sex Try
Laborers. |
Farmers. |
Fishermen. |
Mariners. |
Drivers and teamsters. |
Mechanics. |
Planters and ranchers. |
Merchants and traders. |
Clerks and salesmen. |
Professional men and teachers. |
Other occupations. |
Total returning occupations. |
Native males |
2,213 |
3,211 |
656 |
332 |
237 |
663 |
51 |
129 |
58 |
173 |
831 |
8,554 |
Native females |
40 |
68 |
12 |
103 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
12 |
76 |
317 |
Total |
2,253 |
3,279 |
668 |
332 |
237 |
766 |
53 |
132 |
59 |
185 |
1 907 |
8,871 |
Half-caste males |
115 |
108 |
25 |
14 |
32 |
230 |
14 |
32 |
78 |
26 |
170 |
844 |
Half-caste females |
1 |
5 |
1 |
25 |
8 |
40 |
Total |
116 |
113 |
25 |
14 |
32 |
230 |
14 |
32 |
79 |
51 |
178 |
844 |
Hawaiian-born foreign males |
20 |
16 |
2 |
7 |
39 |
9 |
19 |
70 |
26 |
33 |
241 |
Hawaiian-born foreign females |
1 |
3 |
23 |
1 |
28 |
Total |
21 |
16 |
2 |
7 |
39 |
9 |
19 |
73 |
49 |
34 |
269 |
American males |
36 |
26 |
2 |
36 |
59 |
369 |
17 |
81 |
127 |
114 |
161 |
1,028 |
American females |
1 |
5 |
57 |
15 |
78 |
Total |
36 |
26 |
2 |
36 |
59 |
369 |
18 |
81 |
132 |
171 |
176 |
1,106 |
British males |
24 |
15 |
28 |
34 |
328 |
30 |
42 |
85 |
60 |
139 |
785 |
British females |
3 |
6 |
3 |
14 |
8 |
34 |
Total |
27 |
15 |
28 |
34 |
334 |
30 |
42 |
88 |
74 |
147 |
819 |
German males |
52 |
11 |
2 |
10 |
26 |
176 |
6 |
47 |
54 |
20 |
100 |
504 |
German females |
1 |
5 |
8 |
14 |
Total |
52 |
11 |
2 |
10 |
26 |
177 |
6 |
47 |
54 |
25 |
108 |
518 |
French males |
2 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
1 |
1 |
9 |
5 |
30 |
French females |
15 |
15 |
Total |
2 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
1 |
1 |
24 |
5 |
45 |
Portuguese males |
2,653 |
136 |
3 |
10 |
63 |
165 |
17 |
56 |
35 |
10 |
118 |
3,266 |
Portuguese females |
3 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
11 |
Total |
2,656 |
136 |
3 |
10 |
63 |
167 |
17 |
56 |
35 |
11 |
123 |
3,277 |
Norwegian males |
79 |
25 |
7 |
9 |
31 |
2 |
8 |
2 |
37 |
200 |
Norwegian females |
Total |
79 |
25 |
7 |
9 |
31 |
2 |
8 |
2 |
37 |
200 |
Chinese males |
8,763 |
1,479 |
133 |
74 |
564 |
42 |
776 |
164 |
16 |
1,056 |
13,067 |
Chinese females |
64 |
21 |
1 |
2 |
10 |
98 |
Total |
8,827 |
1,500 |
133 |
74 |
564 |
42 |
777 |
164 |
18 |
1,066 |
13,165 |
Japanese males |
9,565 |
36 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
42 |
27 |
20 |
23 |
115 |
9,837 |
Japanese females |
1,404 |
14 |
1,418 |
Total |
10,969 |
36 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
42 |
27 |
20 |
23 |
129 |
11,255 |
Polynesian males |
269 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
9 |
1 |
9 |
300 |
Polynesian females |
85 |
1 |
86 |
Total |
354 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
9 |
1 |
10 |
386 |
Othernationalities: |
Males |
72 |
17 |
3 |
18 |
8 |
66 |
5 |
14 |
9 |
6 |
56 |
274 |
Females |
2 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Total |
74 |
17 |
3 |
18 |
8 |
66 |
5 |
15 |
9 |
7 |
56 |
278 |
Total males |
23,863 |
5,087 |
829 |
464 |
555 |
2,690 |
193 |
1,233 |
703 |
483 |
2,830 |
38,930 |
Total females |
1,603 |
94 |
12 |
112 |
3 |
5 |
13 |
155 |
146 |
2,143 |
Grand total |
25,466 |
5,181 |
841 |
464 |
555 |
2,802 |
196 |
1,238 |
716 |
638 |
2,976 |
41,073 |
Grand total |
25,466 |
5,181 |
841 |
464 |
555 |
2,802 |
196 |
1,238 |
716 |
638 |
2,976 |
41,073 |
[Page 546]
[Inclosure No. 2 in No.
Table 7.—Classification of each nationality and sex by social
condition, education, school attendance, possession of
electoral franchise, and ownership of real
Married. |
Unmarried. |
Widows. |
Widowers. |
Divorces. |
Total. |
Attending school. |
Able to read and write |
Owning real estate. |
Registered voters. |
Native males |
6,836 |
9,578 |
1,829 |
121 |
18,364 |
2,980 |
13,756 |
2,504 |
8,777 |
Native females |
7,556 |
6,806 |
1,616 |
94 |
16,072 |
2,322 |
10,311 |
767 |
Total |
14,392 |
16,384 |
1,616 |
1,829 |
215 |
34,436 |
5,302 |
24,067 |
3,271 |
8,777 |
Half-caste male |
669 |
2,341 |
66 |
9 |
3,085 |
883 |
1,914 |
240 |
777 |
Half-caste females |
754 |
2,219 |
105 |
23 |
3,101 |
875 |
1,920 |
155 |
Total |
1,423 |
4,560 |
105 |
66 |
32 |
6,186 |
1,758 |
3,834 |
395 |
777 |
Hawaiian-born males |
219 |
3,689 |
1 |
3,909 |
605 |
692 |
67 |
146 |
Hawaiian-born foreign females |
157 |
3,416 |
11 |
2 |
3,586 |
489 |
599 |
38 |
Total |
376 |
7,105 |
11 |
1 |
2 |
7,495 |
1,094 |
1,291 |
105 |
146 |
American males |
528 |
609 |
64 |
7 |
1,298 |
62 |
1,197 |
147 |
637 |
American females |
324 |
251 |
55 |
630 |
59 |
527 |
30 |
Total |
852 |
950 |
55 |
64 |
7 |
1,928 |
121 |
1,724 |
177 |
637 |
British males |
433 |
498 |
44 |
7 |
982 |
30 |
897 |
143 |
505 |
British females |
193 |
116 |
53 |
362 |
33 |
308 |
26 |
Total |
626 |
614 |
53 |
44 |
7 |
1,344 |
63 |
1,205 |
169 |
505 |
German males |
304 |
398 |
22 |
5 |
729 |
74 |
655 |
53 |
382 |
German females |
184 |
113 |
8 |
305 |
44 |
260 |
4 |
Total |
488 |
511 |
8 |
22 |
5 |
1,034 |
118 |
915 |
57 |
382 |
French males |
17 |
18 |
10 |
1 |
46 |
38 |
8 |
22 |
French females |
5 |
17 |
2 |
24 |
24 |
Total |
22 |
35 |
2 |
10 |
1 |
70 |
62 |
8 |
22 |
Portuguese males |
2,455 |
2,238 |
76 |
1 |
4,770 |
720 |
1,513 |
224 |
2,091 |
Portuguese females |
2,443 |
1,322 |
65 |
2 |
3,832 |
550 |
913 |
10 |
Total |
4,898 |
3,560 |
65 |
76 |
3 |
8,602 |
1,270 |
2,426 |
234 |
2,091 |
Norwegian males |
69 |
80 |
4 |
2 |
155 |
19 |
132 |
10 |
78 |
Norwegian females |
55 |
16 |
1 |
72 |
6 |
60 |
Total |
124 |
96 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
227 |
25 |
192 |
10 |
78 |
Chinese males |
2,369 |
12,049 |
96 |
8 |
14,522 |
51 |
1,971 |
224 |
Chinese females |
559 |
201 |
19 |
779 |
20 |
51 |
2 |
Total |
2,928 |
12,250 |
19 |
96 |
8 |
15,301 |
71 |
2,022 |
226 |
Japanese males |
2,964 |
7,059 |
50 |
6 |
10,079 |
1 21 |
270 |
4 |
Japanese females |
2,101 |
148 |
29 |
3 |
2,281 |
12 |
37 |
Total |
5,065 |
7,207 |
29 |
50 |
9 |
12,360 |
33 |
307 |
Polynesian, males |
150 |
235 |
19 |
404 |
9 |
61 |
6 |
42 |
Polynesian, females |
133 |
45 |
6 |
184 |
5 |
24 |
Total |
283 |
280 |
6 |
19 |
588 |
14 |
85 |
6 |
42 |
Other nationalities: |
Males |
162 |
181 |
26 |
2 |
371 |
2 |
217 |
28 |
138 |
Females |
33 |
11 |
4 |
48 |
1 |
33 |
5 |
Total |
195 |
192 |
4 |
26 |
2 |
419 |
3 |
250 |
33 |
136 |
Total males |
17,175 |
39,063 |
2,307 |
169 |
58,714 |
5,456 |
23,313 |
3,658 |
13,593 |
Total females |
14,497 |
14,681 |
1,974 |
124 |
31,276 |
4,416 |
15,067 |
1,037 |
Grand total |
31,672 |
53,744 |
1,974 |
2,307 |
293 |
89,990 |
9,872 |
38,380 |
4,695 |
13,593 |
[Page 547]
[Inclosure 3 in No.
ministers to Mr. Blount.
Hon. J. H.
Special Commissioner
of the United States to Hawaii:
Sir: On Friday afternoon, January
13, about 2 o’clock, we, Samuel Parker, W. H. Cornwell, J.
F. Colburn, and A. P. Peterson were called by Her Majesty to
the palace and asked to accept positions in a new cabinet,
the Wilcox cabinet having tendered their resignations the
day previous. We accepted and were handed our commissions,
and took the oath of office before Chief Justice Judd in the
blue room. It was then thought advisable that the
announcement be made to the Legislature, which was
accordingly done, after which the cabinet went again to the
palace to consult with Her Majesty as to what bills, having
passed the Legislature, should be signed by her. Her Majesty
asked the advice of the cabinet as to whether she should
sign the lottery bill, the opium bill, and the registration
act, which laws were then before her. At the same time she
expressed a desire to satisfy her lady friends by vetoing
the opium bill, and also expressed doubts as to the
advisability of signing the registrartion act. The cabinet
advised that as a majority of the Legislature and the mass
of the people were in favor of the lottery and opium bills
it was the duty of the Sovereign to sign them, and also that
as the registration act was deemed important to the planting
interests, although opposed very strenuously by a large
number of people, it would be advisable to sign that also,
as no bill of importance had been vetoed during the session
and it was not advisable to do so.
The next day, Saturday, the Legislature met at the usual hour
and transacted the business which remained, and adjourned
until 12 o’clock the same day for prorogation. Both at the
morning session and at the ceremonies attending the
prorogation the members of the Reform party in the
Legislature, to a man, were conspicuous by their absence,
although occasionally one of their number would show himself
and then report proceedings down town. Immediately after the
ceremonies the cabinet were notified that the foreign
representatives desired to meet them, and accordingly a
meeting was held in the foreign office, all of the foreign
representatives being present. Mr. Wodehouse, the English
commissioner, stated that they were informed that Her
Majesty intended to promulgate a new constitution upon that
day, and asked what the cabinet intended to do about the
matter, if this proved correct. Mr. Parker replied for the
cabinet, and stated that he had heard of the matter and
that, the cabinet had decided to advise Her Majesty against
such a course.
This reply was satisfactory to all the representatives except
to Mr. Stevens, the American minister, who became excited,
and dropping the subject under discussion, pounded his cane
upon the floor and stated in a loud voice that the United
States had been insulted, and that the passage of the
lottery bill was a direct attack upon his Government. The
other representatives tried to change the subject, and,
finally succeeding, the meeting broke up after several of
them had disclaimed any approbation of Mr. Stevens’s
remarks. The cabinet then went to the palace and met the
Queen in the blue room, where she stated that at the desire
of a large number of her subjects she wished to promulgate a
new constitution. The cabinet then spoke of the meetings
just held with the foreign representatives and advised Her
Majesty not to do it, as they considered the time
inopportune and the action inadvisable. The Queen, after
considerable hesitation, finally yielded to the advice of
her ministers, and so notified the people who were assembled
in the palace and throughout the grounds. Early Sunday
morning the cabinet met at Mr. Cornwell’s residence to
consider the situation. Mr. W. M. Giffard, manager of W. G.
Irwin & Co., and of Mr. Spreckels’s business in Honolulu
at that time, notified them that it had been agreed between
their bank and the bank of Bishop & Co. that they would
render such financial assistance as the Government might
It was also reported by Mr. Colburn and Mr. Peterson that an
organization known as the “Committee of Safety” had been
formed the night before at the house of Mr. L. A. Thurston,
and had made overtures to them as members of the cabinet to
assist them in dethroning the Queen. That they intended to
go ahead and that Mr. Stevens assistance, together with that
of his Government, had been guaranteed them. This statement
was from Mr. Thurston himself. It was finally decided to ask
a number of the most influential merchants and citizens to
meet the cabinet and discuss the situation. The meeting was
set for 1 o’clock in the afternoon, and in the meantime the
cabinet repaired to the station house to consult with the
marshal as to the best means of keeping the peace. Everthing
was found to be in readiness for any disturbance that might
arise. At the appointed time the cabinet met in the foreign
office with Mr. W. M. Giffard, representing Claus Spreckels;
Mr. S. M. Damon representing Bishop & Co.; Mr. J. O.
Carter, representing C. Brewer & Co.; Mr. S. C. Allen,
representing Allen & Robinson and the Robinson estate;
Mr. F. A. Schaefer,
[Page 548]
of F. A. Schaefer & Co., and E. C. Macfarlane. The
situation was then discussed all present and methods
proposed which would relieve it.
During this discussion Mr. S. M. Damon remarked, the subject
having been brought up by the information as to the
intentions of the committee of safety, that the Boston’s troops would land whether
the Government liked it or not. It was finally decided that
the best course to allay public feeling, and one which must
be satisfactory to the people at large and the business
interests generally, was for the cabinet to procure from Her
Majesty a statement that no further attempt would be made to
promulgate a new constitution. This was accordingly done,
and the next day, Monday, such statement was sent to the
different members of the diplomatic corps, as well as
printed and circulated throughout the town. Sunday evening
Mr. Parker and Mr. Peterson reported to the cabinet the
result of an interview between Mr. Stevens and themselves in
which Mr. Stevens had stated that he would not assist the
Government as long as Mr. C. B. Wilson remained marshal, and
a number of other statements made by him showing his
hostility toward the Government and bearing out the
information which had previously been received as to his
friendly attitude toward the committee of safety. On Monday
morning, after the assurance of Her Majesty that no new
attempt would be made to promulgate a new constitution was
made public, a feeling of satisfaction was generally
manifested and an attempt was made by a number of leading
citizens to postpone the mass meeting, which had been called
for that afternoon, as being unnecessary; but Mr. Thurston
protested and thought the meeting should go ahead and at
least express their disapprobation of the course pursued by
the Queen.
After the people attending the two mass meetings had quietly
dispersed to their homes, and the city was as quiet as
Sunday, the cabinet were informed, late Monday afternoon,
that troops, armed with rifles and bringing Gatling guns,
were being landed from the U. S. S. Boston. They immediately asked Mr. Stevens what
this landing of troops meant, he not having asked the usual
permission from the Government, and he, although sending a
written reply, did not answer the question, but evaded it.
The Boston troops took up a position
commanding the Government building and the palace, and a
position which commanded no American property. Monday
evening was exceedingly quiet, the only disquietness being
caused by the landing of foreign troops, which was generally
disapproved of. On Tuesday information was received that the
committee of safety were recruiting troops for the purpose
of forming a provisional government, and were inducing men
to enlist with them on the promise that the Boston’s troops would interfere and
assist them without it being necessary for them to fire a
shot or incur any risk. Shortly after noon Mr. Parker and
Mr. Peterson returned from an interview with Mr. Stevens,
and reported that he (Mr. Stevens) had said that if any
number of what he called responsible citizens should take
possession of any building in town and form a provisional
government he should recognize them and assist them to the
extent of his power, and that he should refuse any
assistance to the Queen’s Government. The cabinet then made
the station house their headquarters, as has always been the
custom in any troublous times, the Government building
always having been considered untenable. They then sent for
a number of prominent citizens to consult with them.
Although being satisfied as to Mr. Stevens’s position it was
deemed best by the cabinet to get something from him in
writing, and accordingly they sent a letter to him between 2
and 3 o’clock, asking whether the report was true that he
had recognized the. Provisional Government. In a little over
half an hour his reply was received which stated that he had
done so. Shortly after this Mr. S. M. Damon and Mr. G. Bolte
came to the station house as messengers from the Provisional
Government to consult with the Queen’s cabinet as to an
amicable settlement of the difficulty without resort to
arms. Mr. Damon during the interview said it would merely be
a waste of blood to resist, as the Boston and the Boston’s
troops stood ready to assist the Provisional Government. The
cabinet gave them no reply but agreed to go with them and
consult with the executive council of the Provisional
Government at the Government building, which they
accordingly did. At this meeting President Dole stated that
it was their desire to have the matter settled without any
resort to arms, and asked the Queen’s cabinet to deliver up
to them what Government property was in their possession.
The cabinet replied that before any answer could be given it
would be necessary to consult with Her Majesty. This was
agreed upon, and the cabinet, accompanied by Mr. S. M.
Damon, proceeded to the palace and met the Queen. There were
present at that time, besides Her Majesty and her ministers,
H. A. Widemann, Paul Neumann, E. C. Macfarlane, J. O.
Carter, and S. M. Damon.
The question as to the surrender of the Queen was discussed
by nearly all present, and Mr. Stevens’s attitude and letter
recognizing the Provisional Government were also spoken of,
and the unanimous opinion of those present was, that
although the Queen’s Government had possession of the
station house, the barracks, and the palace, together with
the greater part of the arms and ammunition in the Kingdom,
[Page 549]
and all the
Gatling guns and field pieces except those under the control
of foreign nations, and men enough, both foreign and native,
to make them absolutely impregnable so far as any force
which could be brought against them from people resident
within the Kingdom was concerned, and with force enough to
put down any disturbance and to keep the peace of the
country, unless such disturbance was assisted by foreign
troops. Considering the position taken by the representative
of the United States it was useless to make war against that
country, which any resistance on the part of the Queen’s
Government plainly meant, and that the wiser course to
pursue was to surrender the Government property under a
protest to the United States, the superior force of that
country having brought about the situation. The protest was
immediately drawn and signed by Her Majesty and her
ministers and taken to President Dole, who indorsed the
receipt of it. At a little after 7 o’clock that evening the
Provisional Government took possession of the station house
and other Government buildings and of the arms and
ammunition then in possession of the Queen’s Government.
- Samuel
Minister of
Foreign Affairs. - Wm. H.
Minister of
Finance. - John F.
Minister of
Interior. - A. P.
In view of the facts stated above, which can not be
controverted, and in view of the fact that your
investigations concerning the matter are shortly likely
to terminate, we, Liliuokalani and her cabinet, who
formed the Government of the Hawaiian Islands on the
17th of January last, having surrendered that Government
to the superior force of the United States of America,
now most respectfully ask that you use your good offices
in undoing the acts of a representative of your great
country and place the Government of the Hawaiian Islands
as Mr. Stevens found them. Believing that the principle
of justice which has ever dominated American action will
prevail in this instance, we remain,
Yours, respectfully,
- Liliuokalani,
- Samuel
Minister of
Foreign Affairs. - Wm. H.
Minister of
Finance. - John F.
Minister of
Interior. - A. P.