Mr. Wharton to
Mr. Stevens.
No. 74.]
Department of State,
Washington, February 17,
Sir: I append for your information copy of
an instruction to the consul-general at Honolulu, of this date,
directing him to report fully as to the shipping under Hawaiian
registry on the 17th day of January, 1893, and any transfers of
vessels to the Hawaiian flag which may have been or may be effected
since that date.
You will kindly lend Mr. Severance your counsel and aid in preparing
the indicated report.
I suggest, moreover, for your confidential guidance, that it may be
well for you to make such friendly and discreet intimation to the
present Government as may discourage the placing of foreign shipping
under its flag at this juncture.
I am, etc.,
William F. Wharton,
Acting Secretary.
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Wharton
to Mr. Severance.
No. 74.]
Department of State,
Washington, February 17, 1893.
Sir: I have to request that you will
prepare, at as early a day as may be possible, and forward to
the Department, a table showing all vessels, bona fide, under
Hawaiian registry on the 17th of January last, giving names,
character, tonnage, horse-power, if steamers, where and when
built, and how owned at that date, whether by Hawaiian citizens
or foreigners.
You will also be expected to report what vessels, if any, have
been or may be transferred from foreign registry to the Hawaiian
flag since the 17th of January, giving the same particulars.
It is said, but With what positive foundation is not here known,
that a movement is on foot to place a number of foreign vessels
under Hawaiian registry, with a view to eventually obtain the
benefits of United States registry. Your inquiries, which should
be discreet, and your report should aim to throw light on this
The minister has been informed of this instruction, and you may
confer with him on the subject.
I am, etc.
William F.