Mr. Stevens to Mr. Blaine.

No. 57.]

Sir: I forward herewith two copied of Her Majesty’s speech at the opening of the Legislature, May 28. Of what is transpiring in that body and all of importance that may be done the first month of its session I will give an account in a future dispatch.

I am, etc.,

John L. Stevens.
[Inclosure in No. 57.]

The Queen’s speech at the opening of the Legislature of 1892.

Nobles and Representatives: Since the Legislature of this Kingdom last assembled death has taken from us your lamented King and my beloved brother. His reign of nearly seventeen years marked an extraordinary epoch in our country’s history, an era of unparalleled commercial advancement, of educational enlightenment, and political progress. His late Majesty’s memory will be held sacred by his friends, and his successful labors in the interests of his people properly estimated and respected by all.

The decree of Providence and the constitution of the Kingdom having called me to occupy the throne of Hawaii, it is my earnest prayer that divine assistance may be vouchsafed to enable me to discharge the duties of the exalted position to the advantage of my people and the permanent benefit of Hawaii.

With the consent of the nobles of the Kingdom, I have appointed Her Royal Highness the Princess Victoria Kawekiu Kaiulani Lunalilo Kalaninuiahilapalapa as my successor.

Fully recognizing that by the constitution and laws of the Kingdom my station is that of a constitutional monarch, accepting the will of my people, as pronounced [Page 360] by them through their representatives in the Legislature and my constitutional advisors, the ministers of the Crown, I shall firmly endeavor to preserve the autonomy and aboslute independence of this Kingdom, and to assist in perpetuating the rights and privileges of all who are subject to our laws and in promoting their welfare and happiness.

I am gratified to state that my relations with foreign powers are of the most cordial and friendly nature.

The treaty of commercial reciprocity between this Kingdom and the United States, which has hitherto proved so beneficial to both countries in building up and maintaining a larger commerce and exchange of productions, has been seriously affected by tariff legislation made by the Congress of the United States, the effect of which on our principal industry is being severely felt. I trust that such legislation as may tend to relieve the consequent depression will receive your early and careful attention.

I recommend the appointment of a special commission to ascertain the most practical manner of developing and expanding the several industrial and agricultural resources of the Kingdom; and more especially with a view to enable small landholders to add to the wealth and progress of the Kingdom by raising such products as the soil and climate of the country foster.

The probability of a decrease in the revenues of the Kingdom requires economy and retrenchment in the expenditures of the public funds, but I earnestly hope that every effort will be made to carry out all necessary internal improvements throughout the Kingdom.

I note with pleasure that surveys are being made between the western coast of the United States of America and these islands, for the purpose of laying a submarine cable. I sincerely hope that every effort to connect Hawaii by an electric cable with the outside world will continue to receive your assistance.

I commend to your earnest attention the invitation received by my Government from the President of the United States of America to participate in the celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus by sending an exhibit to the World’s Columbian Exposition to be held at the city of Chicago in 1893.

My ministers will submit for your consideration the reports of their several departments and the laws necessary for the welfare of the Kingdom and the promotion of the objects I have referred to.

Nobles and representatives, invoking the blessing of Divine Providence upon your deliberations, I now declare the Legislature of the Kingdom open.