Mr. Stevens to Mr. Blaine.
Honolulu, March 19, 1892.
Sir: The Department of State will not deem it outside of the duties of this legation to report that a highly interesting manifestation of official courtesy has taken place to-day in the harbor of Honolulu. By due arrangement Queen Liliuokalani and the entire Hawaiian cabinet, as well as the royal chamberlain and court attendants, paid a visit to the United States ship San Francisco, Rear Admiral George Brown in command, who had sent the ship’s boats to take the party on board. By the request of the Admiral. I was on board of the San Francisco to [Page 356] receive Her Majesty at the rail gate of the ship. She was received: with the salute of twenty-one guns and the excellent music of the San Francisco band. The Queen and party were conducted about the ship by Admiral Brown and officers, and other civilities were shown to the royal party. At the close of the visit another salute of twenty-one guns was given and appropriate music played by the band as the boats containing the visitors passed to the shore. The weather during the day has been exceedingly fine, and the occasion passed off in the best manner. The San Francisco is the finest ship ever seen in the harbor of Honolulu. Admiral Brown and his officers exhibited admirable taste and courtesy to the official visitors, and there is no doubt of the good influence of the honors and politeness shown the Hawaiian representatives.
I am, etc.,