Mr. Stevens to
Mr. Blaine.
No. 21.]
States Legation,
Honolulu, March 26,
Sir: Your dispatch 15, of February 28, was
received at this legation March 15. The chief portion thereof, all
that relates to the late King Kalakaua and to Her Majesty the Queen,
was duly communicated to the minister of foreign affairs, with the
request that it should be read or otherwise made known to her, in a
note dated March 17, to which I have received a response, a full
copy of which is herewith inclosed.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Honolulu, March 24, 1891.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your excellency’s dispatch of the 17th instant,
announcing that you had received from your Government a
communication through the Secretary of State, Hon. James G.
Blaine, relative to the death of King Kalakaua and the accession
of Queen Liliuokalani, and the resolutions of various bodies of
Hawaiian citizens expressive of gratitude for the kindness shown
by the Government and people of the United States to his late
Majesty, and favoring me with a copy of the chief portion of
said communication for Her Majesty’s consideration.
In reply I beg to state that I have had the honor of conveying to
Her Majesty the Queen a copy of the honorable Secretary’s
communication and have received her commands to acknowledge its
receipt. Her Majesty is inexpressibly touched with the sincere
sentiments of friendship for her departed brother and late
Sovereign, for the Hawaiian nation, and for herself, so
feelingly expressed by the Secretary of State for the Government
of the United States. The duties of the high position Her
Majesty has been called upon to assume will, under the guidance
of the Supreme Ruler, be discharged with the sole aim of
benefiting her people and in thus obtaining and endeavoring to
maintain the esteem and friendship of all nations, but more
especially of the Government represented by your excellency,
whose friendship has been tried and tested in innumerable
instances and to whose assistance and encouragement the nation
is deeply indebted.
With the highest esteem, I remain, etc.,
Samuel Parker,
Minister of Foreign