Mr. Stevens to Mr. Blaine.
Honolulu, September 17, 1890.
Sir: My commission as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary has been duly received at this legation, and I have officially communicated the fact to the Hawaiian Government, and the King has received me formally in said capacity as the following authoritative publication shows:
by authority.
Foreign office notice.
Honolulu, September
8, 1890.
This day had audience of the King his excellency John L. Stevens, United States minister resident, to present his credentials as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America;
His excellency Hon. John A. Cummins, His Majesty’s minister of foreign affairs, presented to His Majesty the King his excellency John L. Stevens, who addressed His Majesty as follows:
“Sir: In appointing me envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, placing the representative to His Majesty’s Government on an equality with the American representatives to the great nations of the world, the Government of the United States once more manifests its strong friendship for the Hawaiian kingdom and its firm resolution to respect its autonomy and to promote its welfare.
“His Majesty may be sure that it always will be my earnest effort faithfully to carry out the instructions of my Government.
“In doing so I shall endeavor to show proper respect to His Majesty, and in any counsel or advice which I may give I shall seek the peace and prosperity of his kingdom. Thus I shall help to foster good relations between the two countries so closely united by near neighborhood and common interests.”
His Majesty was pleased to reply to His Excellency John L. Stevens as follows:
“Mr. Envoy: It is with pleasure that I receive from you the assurance of the; continuance of the friendly regard of the President and the people of the American nation for the sovereign and people of Hawaii.
“And I am well pleased to receive as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States a gentleman who has already in the capacity of minister resident given so many proofs of the good-will and kindly feelings entertained by him towards my kingdom, myself and my people.
“And I fully appreciate the honor done to my crown and kingdom by the action of the President of the United States in placing the representative of the United States in my kingdom on an equality with the American representatives to the great nations of the world, and the expression thereby of his firm resolution to respect our autonomy and to promote our welfare.
“The officers of my government will be instructed to tender to you every attention and courtesy during your official residence in my dominions.
His majesty was attended on this occasion by the Hon. John O. Dominis, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, his honor the Chief Justice A. F. Judd, Hon. John S. Walker, president of the Legislature; his excellency, Hon. J. A. Cummins, minister foreign affairs; colonel, the Hon. G. W. McFarlane, his majesty’s chamberlain; J. W. Robertson, esq., his majesty’s vice chamberlain; Maj. John D. Holt, jr., A. D. C; captain the Hon. Edward K. Lilikalani, equerrv in waiting.
I have the honor, etc.,